Performance issue on the home page (activity tab)

8s of “gray content”. May be because of the activity on the @d3 team.

By the way I’m not that interested by having the full activity stream so centrally prominent on the page—the likes and forks in particular are a distraction.

If I could choose I’d have “unread comments” at the top, then a list of what I’m working on (a bit like the panel on the right, but with thumbnails and pagination), then only the rest (likes/forks, Explore tab).

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Thanks for flagging, @Fil! We’ll look into the bottleneck - but yes, off the top of my head I’d guess the same that it’s due to D3 activity.

And thanks for the feedback re home page content, noted & passed on to the team!

Thank you for the new layout!


It was getting worse, to 11 seconds… then suddenly it was fixed!

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