Why I cannot login into Observable?

Dear Observable team,

I’ve been off the platform for almost a year. But when I want to login using my Github I keep getting this message pop out.
Also I tried to Sign Up again but still give the same notification

The Observable account associated with this login is inactive.

Does anyone here can reach out the Observable Support Team Member?
I already sent a DM on Twitter and personally DM Mike Bostock on Twitter but got no answer.
Even I tried to email Observable Support at support@observablehq.com, but still got no answer.
Please help so I can get into my account again.

Sorry you are having trouble! As it’s Thanksgiving holiday in USA, I speculate that you haven’t heard back because most people are away from work and enjoying a break. Writing to the support team is the customarily recommended avenue for getting help. Hang in there! I imagine you’ll hear something early next week!

We have been in conversations with @flyingduck92 in the Support emails. Thanks Aaron.

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@aaronkyle Thanks Aaron, but the issue already solved by email with the Support Team. Thanks again to all the Support Team of Observable. They’re really helpful at the weekend holiday. :slight_smile: