I agree with @jrus. I am still itching to do an Electron app that would have custom cell renderers/decorators, options for different code formaters, with UX niceties like moving whole sections of the notebook document, plus cells bookmarking I brought up in the past.
see Observable Electron app idea
and Feature request(s): export all + search my notebooks
There are endless possibilities 1 could explore building custom UIs on top of observable to fit different workflows without overburdening this system devs, provided a well defined notebook spec and api.
I’ve looked at observablehq/notebook-runtime and notebook-inspector repos just yesterday. I think it should be almost possible, but I have not tried it yet.
found this open ticket in github that I think is destined for providing those features: https://github.com/observablehq/notebook-inspector/issues/14#issue-325007279
not sure. would need observable devs to chime in on this
also, load from and post notebook to github and gitlab would nice once load/save api is available. could be done by 3rd party devs too to fit diff. notebooks dev workflows.