DatabaseClient not working

I created my notebook which plot the bar-chart with extracting data from database on my local when I am going to embed this notebook into my website then It is showing RuntimeError: DatabaseClient is not defined, how can I fix this.

The most common issue is a COR error due to the local database not being on an https connecting.

These pages might help you out:


I would love to understand this a bit better. Would you mind answering a few question?

  • I assume this is a private notebook (not published) since you have a database connection? Otherwise, it would be useful to see a link to your notebook… How are you connecting to your database from the notebook?

  • How are you embedding the notebook into your website? Are you actually using the embed iframe from Observable? (this would require it to be public notebook, though…)


Answering to your first question I can connect to my database only in private but I want this notebook work same fashion for where I embed this as in private

Answering to the next question Yes I am using embed iframe from observable to imbedding notebook into my website.

Hmmm… Interesting. How are you able to embed the iframe for a private notebook? For private notebooks, the Embed link should not be enabled…

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After publishing my notebook I am going to embed but when I am publishing this then It shows me RuntimeError: Databases are only available in private notebooks . I want to know that How can I connect to my database so that It works .

Thanks for explaining that. Now I understand. Unfortunately, you cannot publish (and hence cannot embed) a notebook with a database connection. See DB Connections + Public Notebooks? where one option is to use Splitgraph…

Another recommendation is to create your own proxy server for the database as described above by @hellonearthis .

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