Hurricane Helene has forced my teaching back into an online mode for the remainder of the semester. Fortunately, I’ve recently been experimenting with the use of RevealJS within Observable Framework. That allowed me to quickly pivot to the production of online presentations for my classes.
So, I set up this Framework project with a growing list of Reveal slideshows for my Real Analysis class, for example.
I still pull up the notebook daily, though. Often I use it to quickly develop code that ends up integrated into a Framework project. For example, I wrote this little interactive tool to illustrate the construction of the Cantor set within the notebook:
The image has an update method that responds to the ↑ and ↓ buttons. It was super to use that same code in a Framwork project that incorporates RevealJS and updates the image on the slidechanged
event. You can view the relevant part of the slideshow here:
Just navigate down to see the construction in action!