Observable for Online Teaching

When my university moved online last month, I was ready, because I was teaching all of my courses with Observable. I love Observable for both in-class and online teaching. This is an example of how I am teaching the students now that we are online (merge sort example):

I’ve also just started a new youtube channel devoted entirely to teaching Observable and D3. I’m mostly trying to target high school and college teachers, since I believe Observable is such a great teaching tool. So far, the material I have there is very, very basic and for beginners. I guess I don’t feel it’s appropriate to include the link here, but if anyone is interested, I can direct you to it.


Just finished the quick sort in my algorithms class. Just love Observable as a teaching platform.

a clip of me running it:


Algorithms course done! Thank you Observable! One of my final questions:


Hello Chad

We are an online software company currently endorsed by several states and provinces in North America for college credited courses and just got endorsement from Ireland/EU for a bona fide publisher for national deployments.

We are primarily a Mathematica based platform, I am hoping to immix Mathematica with Observable at notebook level.

Perhaps we could cooperate. All our Mathematica code is open source.

Dara O Shayda
Kilkenny Irelanda

Chad, these are real neat! Thanks so much for sharing, and if you have any feedback about the product from using it to teach, we’d love to hear it. I’m ballingt@observablehq.com if you want to chat.

I taught a programming languages course with some Observable in it in the fall, with things like https://observablehq.com/@ballingt/compiling-a-subset-of-lox-to-wasm (which is out broken now because the Binaryen WebAssembly library has changed since I was using it, I need to update it) and I found the automatic updating useful but that I did need to show students how things worked a bit more. I’d love to hear more about your experience.

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