"Unexpected error" when closing cell

Whenever I toggle any cell closed here in Safari 12.0, notebooks are immediately breaking and taking me to an error view which looks like:

Here’s what the browser console shows:

Needless to say, this makes Observable pretty unusable right now in this browser.

Apologies. This bug only occurs in older browsers that don’t support IntersectionObserver. I’ll deploy a fix shortly.

I should probably get around to upgrading the operating system on this particular computer at some point…

Thanks, Mike!

Fix deployed. Thanks for the report!

I’m glad I just went to look at my cell at https://observablehq.com/@jrus/misc which imports an intersection observer polyfill, because apparently loading it from bundle.run was broken, so likely several of my notebooks have been temporarily broken.

Luckily the “global leak” import style seems to work still.