Feature request: work on page scrolling/losing current view on cell re-evaluation

Hi All,

Not sure how much you all are working on “developer experience” with Observable – I realize it is a prototyping+ tool, not an IDE, but just wanted to share that probably my biggest gripe is when I’m working in cell A, and I need to go look at something in cell C – and leaving cell A in its current state is going to throw an error – and somehow after I go to look at C and the notebook re-evaluates, the notebook scrolls to somewhere that is neither A nor C and I have no idea where I am. I feel like I lose so much time to this. :frowning:

I don’t think that this is a systematic description of the issue, but it is one example of this occurring. Let me know if you need a reproduceable example. It would be wonderful if anything could be done about it in the future.

Thank you!


Thanks for the feedback. We do care deeply about the editing experience and we’re working on major editor improvements that include adopting CSS overflow-anchor to minimize scrolling when something above the viewport resizes (such as a cell’s output).

In the interim, one way to reduce scrolling is to open your notebook in two windows, side-by-side, with one in safe mode. If you edit in safe mode, you can view the live output in the other window without having to scroll up and down.


Good news and thanks for the tip! I had done the side by side thing before but not with safe mode – which means that caused its own issue occasionally. I’ll give that a shot for the time being.