Suggesting numbered pagination for 'My Notebooks'

It’s fun to see the constant changes and improvements to this site. I really enjoy the stackoverflow-style suggestions for similar topics and the markdown preview features when creating topics and responding to questions. Observable is beautiful!

One small suggestion is in regard to pagination instead of just the ‘show more’ interface for loading additional notebooks.

I have forked numerous other notebooks, and when attempting to ‘scroll’ through them to preview, I find it difficult to ‘jump’ through to the oldest ones I’ve saved. Similarly, it’s a bit difficult to ‘back up’ one iteration of ‘show more’ when I’m searching around for a notebook (I currently do this in the browser rather than with the app). Small suggestion :slight_smile:

Thank you for this amazing tool, and for all your contributions to data visualization and open source software! <3

One thing you could manually do is make an ‘index’ notebook which links out to your other notebooks.