Is there something I’m doing wrong here? This module is not working in Observable, but it works in a browser with a script tag.
This is the error i see.
But this code works in a browser.
<script type="module">
import {Client} from "/dist/esm/index.mjs"
const zealot = await import(
const client = new zealot.Client("")
const pools = await client.query("from :pools").then((r) => r.js())
I used esbuild to build the bundle from a standard typescript project.
esbuild src/esm/index.ts --bundle --outfile=dist/esm/index.mjs --format=esm
You can import their esm build directly:
zealot = import("")
I do see lodash bundled in that file, so I would guess that their build is broken (something about __toESM() perhaps?). You may want to file an issue in their repo.
It’s not __toESM(), but the bundling of lodash itself. From what I can tell the module wrapper looks for an AMD module loader and then uses that one. As a result, require_lodash() returns an empty object.
Observable’s Standard Library loads dependencies lazily via d3-require
, an AMD/UMD module loader. The loader registers itself while zealot is fetched. To prove that, we can run the following code:
// wait for AMD dependencies to load.
await Promises.delay(2000);
// "Unregister" the load callback.
delete window.define;
// Load the rest.
const zealot = await import("");
const client = new zealot.Client("");
const pool = await client.query("from :pools").then((r) => r.js());
return pool;
Which then gives us the expected error (due to the missing token):
I recommend to patch the module on-the-fly to get rid of the AMD loader detection:
import {importPatched} from "@mootari/patched-imports"
zealot = importPatched(
src => src.replace(/\btypeof define\b/g, "null")
Full example:
Thank you so much. That was it. I removed lodash from the bundle and it started working.I appreciate it!
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@jameskerr Great to hear! You can mark the topic as solved by clicking the checkmark under the reply that answered your question:
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