Scrollytelling with observable

I try to extend the scrollytelling observable framework example with markdownit. For this purpose, I create two new balises : the first to enter the scrolling (::: scroll-container) and the second to describe a step (~~~ scroll-section figure_name).

The figures are stored inside a dictionary. To display a figure in a scroll section, you just need to add the correct key (figure_name) from the dictionary.

The exemple is here : Examples of scrolling with observablehq framework | Scrollytelling

and the here : scrollytelling_observablehq/scrollytelling/src/ at 41dee7853b754519255afb734c9f0b21e4d9a7f3 · fsemecurbe/scrollytelling_observablehq · GitHub

What do you think about that ?

Thanks you for your advices.