I would like a simple notebook with the basic code to lay down a tree hierarchy on a timeline.
A d3 notebook would be great. The data could be hierarchy json (with nodes : nodes, date, tags; and edges : source, target). Zoomable timeline would be great, but accessory. Data could be tabular too, for entry level users.
I found this code online but its too complicated for me to adapt to ObservableHQ : SANKEY Experiment and /lthrock/d3-genealogy
I made something here TTTTRPG - Timeline Tree of Tabletop Role-Playing Games with JavaScript Workflow / Pascaliensis | Observable but it uses graphviz. So the dataviz is not smooth as it is with d3.
It would be a great new sample in the library of basic codes. As a history scholar, I can say it would be a great tool for the digital humanities. Queried dynamically with Wikidata could also improve the visibility and use of Wikidata open source knowledge graph (cf. what i have done with my example). Over all, it can produce meaningful visualisations. For example, citationtree .org have the same principles.
best regards