only single node showing with d3.tree

[@Fil I redid the original post with d3.tree, as I would like to understand the underlying implementation a bit better than I would with the Plot.tree convenience function]

new notebook: Tidy tree component / njcode | Observable

I believe node desired as root should have id = 6878726493.
x, y = -75.7761, 39.66212 when setting “center node” for isochrone function with OSMnx

x,y projected: {‘y’: np.float64(4390544.816753118),
‘x’: np.float64(433437.15527456865),

I want to experiment with visualizations of isochrones (generated by OSMnx / networkx) with tree plots in observable.

It may make more sense for me to generate hierarchical json with networkx or do something else in a .py loader file.

The idea is to show to travel distance/time/complexity in a tidy or radial tree. Need an mvp so I can refine the parameters.

isochrones for walk times displayed in image are attached as .json

Hello, that seems neat! Would you mind moving this question to the Plot discussions board? We’re trying to centralize the help there. Thanks!

PS: I’m not seeing the isochrone tree in the JSON files you attached, they seem to contain the whole connected graph.

thank Fil. can I in fact move this or are are you effectively asking me to repost? just need clarification, will do–nvm I see it’s a GitHub link, will move once I get the new post up if that’s ok*

whoops I was afraid I did that. I need to peak at how the isochrone function is outputting polygons. will revise

this is the source example. image in my post is from the ‘more precise’ setting obv

*I’m not here all that much…the Plot separate seems a little weird to me. Is this downstream of monetization? I have gotten such good help here and while I want to follow best practices and just be minimally annoying…it seems a little odd without more insight into how Plot is separate

Observable Plot is an open-source project developed on GitHub. We’d rather have all discussions related to Plot in the space where Plot is being developed, rather than have some discussions here and other discussions there. There are already a couple thousand issues, pull requests, and discussions on the Plot repo on GitHub, and it’s easier to crosslink and search them all if we consolidate the discussion there.

Thank you Mike. This makes sense. Earlier today I reworked the original post above. No longer using Plot.

doesn’t look like I’m going to get any bites here, I guess I’ll go back to the Plot version via GitHub

I would do the whole thing in python but…this looks like a pain…may as well learn the d3 way