We’re using forks as essentially feature branches. As such, it would be really nice to be able to identify the branches without introducing an additional change in the form of renaming the fork. Is there a way to do that?
Unfortunately not. This open feature request may be somewhat related though:
opened 12:25PM - 24 Jun 22 UTC
Feature Request
I use forks to atomically merge changes into a prod notebook. However, in about … 70% of the time I get confused which is the original and which is the fork, sometimes with disastrous results. Here is my activity chart of a typical "Patch a prod notebook"
<img width="758" alt="image" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1848162/175532851-e200d9c9-3393-4be7-931b-47714c36026f.png">
Could you tell which ones were the fork and which were prod?
It's confusing in a few other places beyond the activity feed, like the browser tab. Forks could be given a name like "(Fork of) Login with comment" until the title is explicitly updated. Note I deliberately but the parenthesis first so the browser tab would be distinguishable.
This would be like the OS behaviour when you copy a file, it appends (Copy of)