Bug: Merge notice links to wrong notebook


  1. Fork notebook by different author
  2. Make changes to fork (“fork A”)
  3. Share link
  4. Make changes to fork
  5. View changes since last share
  6. Fork changes since last share (“fork B”)
  7. Suggest fork B
  8. Merge fork B into fork A

Expected result:
Status message shows “[YOUR_NAME] merged this into [FORK_A] on [DATE].”

Actual result:
Status message shows “[YOUR_NAME] merged this into [ORIGINAL] on [DATE].”, with the notebook link pointing to the notebook that was originally forked.

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There may even be more errors in this workflow than described above. In the above scenario, I accidentally deleted fork A (believing it was the non-existant fork B). After restoring it from trash I noticed that all of the changes I had made prior to forking B were missing.