[BUG][major] Notebook merging is broken.

Here’s how to reproduce:
Take two accounts A and B.

  • A: Creates notebook. Publishes
  • B: Forks notebook. Adds something = 1. Publishes.
  • A: Adds something_else = 2. Publishes.
  • B: … -> compare -> … -> compare reverse -> apply -> merge. Publishes.
  • A: Changes something_else = 4. Publishes.
  • B: … -> compare -> … -> compare reverse

B is now stuck with a message " Comparing notebooks. To merge these changes, [compare to the latest fork version]."

However the link in this message is only leading back to the current page.

This fully breaks further merges from happening.

An example of this behaviour can be found at:

Hi @j-pb. Sorry for the trouble. I’m investigating, but I don’t seem to be able to reproduce the issue. I wonder if it’s a caching problem. When I compare your published parent notebook to its fork (the reverse compare), here’s what I see:

I’ll try again to reproduce this issue but I’m curious if you’re still seeing it, and if you could share a screenshot if so. Thanks!

Hey @mbostock,
Thanks for the help!

It does indeed look like a caching problem. As it now shows the merge button, which wasn’t available before, and it also doesn’t show the “go to latest version” message.

I’m able to reintroduce the issue by merging, and then performing a rollback to the last published version.

I was also able to reproduce it in the notebook that initially led me to the issue.

Which also seemed to have been fixed by waiting, further hinting to a caching issue.