Framework : npm run deploy to data apps Observable

Hello, I’m a noob ! I try to reboot the planet but the planet is occupy !!!

I try to make world great for the first time !!

i have choose Observable because it’s formidable !!

but, I’m noob !

npm run deploy give this :sob:

┌   observable deploy  v1.13.2
●  To configure deploy, we need to ask you a few questions.
◇  Deploying to the Pixflowave (@pixflowave) workspace.
◇  No apps found. Do you want to create a new app?
│  Yes, continue
◇  What slug do you want to use?
│  neguentropie
◇  Who is allowed to access your app?
│  Private
■  Could not create app: Unexpected response status 409 for POST
└  Deploy canceled

ty for your attention

Notebooks and data apps share a common namespace for their slugs (URLs). You have a notebook with the slug “neguentropie” that is causing the error. The tool ought to give a better response though, sorry about that.


the world is reboot !! TY

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Tips if you really want to use the slug occupied by a notebook

You can change the slug in the notebook, but it doesn’t release the conflict, because the old slug persists and redirects to the new (good design choice!)

To release all the slugs from a notebook, go to meatball menu → Settings → Set URL and press Reset button. Then set the new slug normally. The old slug will be released and you can use it in the framework app.

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I made this choice