Hi everyone! I have a categorical heatmap that I want to add a sort of line break to between two categories - I’ve tried using ruleY but to no avail… How would I make a black horizontal line between “param3” and “Collector Initials” in the following example: Combining heatmaps / Maya Gans | Observable
I combined the data but maybe I should really keep these as two separate vectors, then put some kind of spacer between?
I tried this:
Plot.ruleY(["Collector Initials"], {
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 2
but i essentially want be able to bump this line up/do a transform on it?
I also tried:
y: {
label: null,
domain: [
"Collector Initials",
"Time Collected"
then put the like at “Spacer” but I dont want to see the word spacer or have an axis tick, and it was really thick (the same thickness as other y-axis marks) so i dont love that…
Any thoughts appreciated!!