AFAIK there is no hierarchical representation of grouped bands for which those lines make sense, but you can force everything into a specific order and fix the size and then offset the rulers. Maybe ask in the Github Issue search results · GitHub
not in an ideal way, thats why it sucks a bit. You can force the plot to have a certain height in pixel space, so then you can figure out what the offsets should be by dividing by the number of rows (accounting for various other padding and stuff, you can probably figure out a custom formula
), but idiomatic plot is about working in the scale space, and fixed pixel offsets definitely isn’t that. So its all hacking around the fact a grid forces a band scale, and a band scale is centered, but you want a line on the edge of the cell not the center of the cell.
the other thing you could do is draw the line with SVG afterwards, plots exports their scales so you could sample the coordinates of the two cells you want a divider between and average it.
I gave the first suggestion a go yesterday. I’m also using something similar to this, where the rows and the columns dynamically change based on inputs and it was near impossible to figure out a formula to position the lines.
Your second suggestion sounds a lot more promising. The rect element has the exact sizes that I need, but could not find a way to access it or select it to get its height and width. How would I access the scales from a Plot.cell?