change the color of axis rule lines

In the plot below, the rule lines through the origins are black. Is there a way to change the color and stroke thickness of these lines?

  grid: false,
  x: {
    domain: [-2,5],
    label: "x"
  y: {
    domain: [-5,10],
    label: "y"
  marks: [
    Plot.ruleX([0]),[{}], {x: 1, y: 1})

Sure! you can use any of the applicable common options: stroke (color), strokeOpacity, strokeWidth, and even strokeDasharray:

   Plot.ruleY([0], { strokeWidth: 0.5, strokeDasharray: "2 5" }),
   Plot.ruleX([0], { stroke: "red", strokeOpacity: 0.3 }),