My Observable often is very slow – loading and rendering a notebook takes 15s. I cannot figure out why. I can see worker- being ‘busy’ (spinning wheel). Inspection reveals that it seems to be waiting – see green bars below. On what, exactly?
What can I do to get rid of those very long waiting times? Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Very curious. I associate that wait time with “waiting for remote server to start the connection”. On the other hand, it says it was served from “(memory)”, which makes me think there isn’t a server involved.
Can you save this view as a HAR file with the top right “Export” button and send it to me? It might contain sensitive details, so it would probably be best to email it to me directly at This will let me dig in a bit more than a screenshot of the network panel.
For what it’s worth: in the Timelines > Frames view, elapsed time of Frame 73 is 6.77s, and Frame 98 is 5.08s. When opened, both show gazillions of Animation Frames fired.
Thanks for sending that along. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to find anything more from inspecting it. Is this something that is repeatable for you, or does it only happen sometimes?
Could you share a recording of the behavior with the notebook visible and the network tab and JS console open (please set it show all levels, including verbose)?
I see this on my notebooks (haven’t tested it on others yet), while logged in, logged out, and anonymous (private window). Also happens when logged in as other user (on same system).
In the log, I see two (Observable) workers, each waiting for 10 seconds.
My internet speed is ↓ 111.0 Mbit/s ↑ 33.0 Mbit/s.