I am currently trying to learn d3 and experimenting with using vanilla and d3 in the same script. I am somewhat fluent in vanilla to create svg. As I am learning d3, I am trying to write vanilla for the portion I still haven’t figured out the d3 portion and for the portions, I figured out, I am writing in d3.
For example, the following d3 script does what is expected
const tbl = [{ "Month": 1, "Value": 14841 }, { "Month": 2, "Value": 24467 }, { "Month": 3, "Value": 78423 }, { "Month": 4, "Value": 60213 }, { "Month": 5, "Value": 87257 }, { "Month": 6, "Value": 21543 }, { "Month": 7, "Value": 21373 }, { "Month": 8, "Value": 87363 }, { "Month": 9, "Value": 50378 }, { "Month": 10, "Value": 29714 }, { "Month": 11, "Value": 20171 }, { "Month": 12, "Value": 70059 }]
//the chart X Axis needs to start from 0
tbl.filter(a => (a.Month == 0)).length == 0 ? tbl.unshift({ "Month": 0, "Value": 0 }) : tbl
const width = 1280;
const height = 720;
const glblDim = {
height: height,
width: width,
margin: {
top: 20,
right: 20,
bottom: 30,
left: 50
glblDim.boundedWidth = glblDim.width - glblDim.margin.right - glblDim.margin.left;
glblDim.boundedHeight = glblDim.height - glblDim.margin.top - glblDim.margin.bottom;
const svgns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
const svg = d3.select('body')
.classed("layer1", true)
.attr('xmlns', svgns)
.attr('viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${height}`)
const bound = svg.append('g').attr('class', 'bound')
.style('transform', `translate(${glblDim.margin.left}px, ${glblDim.margin.top}px)`)
//*--------------------------3. SCALE----------------------------------*//
//generate range X
const rangeX = d3.scaleTime().range([0, glblDim.boundedWidth]);
//generate scale first X
var scaleX = rangeX
.domain(d3.extent(tbl, d => d.Month)) //alternative d => { return d.date }
//generate rangeY
const rangeY = d3.scaleLinear().range([glblDim.boundedHeight, 0]);
//generate scale first Y
var scaleY = rangeY
.domain(d3.extent(tbl, d => d.Value)) //alternative d => { return d.temperatureMax }
//generate x Axis
.attr('class', 'YAxis')
However, if I use vanilla to create the svg and use d3 to create scale and axis, it falls flat.
const tbl = [{ "Month": 1, "Value": 14841 }, { "Month": 2, "Value": 24467 }, { "Month": 3, "Value": 78423 }, { "Month": 4, "Value": 60213 }, { "Month": 5, "Value": 87257 }, { "Month": 6, "Value": 21543 }, { "Month": 7, "Value": 21373 }, { "Month": 8, "Value": 87363 }, { "Month": 9, "Value": 50378 }, { "Month": 10, "Value": 29714 }, { "Month": 11, "Value": 20171 }, { "Month": 12, "Value": 70059 }]
//the chart X Axis needs to start from 0
tbl.filter(a => (a.Month == 0)).length == 0 ? tbl.unshift({ "Month": 0, "Value": 0 }) : tbl
const width = 1280;
const height = 720;
const glblDim = {
height: height,
width: width,
margin: {
top: 20,
right: 20,
bottom: 30,
left: 50
glblDim.boundedWidth = glblDim.width - glblDim.margin.right - glblDim.margin.left;
glblDim.boundedHeight = glblDim.height - glblDim.margin.top - glblDim.margin.bottom;
const svgns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'
const body = document.querySelector('body')
const svg = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'svg');
svg.setAttribute('xmlns', svgns);
svg.setAttribute('viewBox', `0 0 ${width} ${height}`)
const bound = document.createElementNS(svgns, 'g');
bound.setAttribute('class', 'bound');
bound.style.setProperty('transform', `translate(${glblDim.margin.left}px, ${glblDim.margin.top}px`)
//*--------------------------3. SCALE----------------------------------*//
//generate range X
const rangeX = d3.scaleTime().range([0, glblDim.boundedWidth]);
//generate scale first X
var scaleX = rangeX
.domain(d3.extent(tbl, d => d.Month)) //alternative d => { return d.date }
//generate rangeY
const rangeY = d3.scaleLinear().range([glblDim.boundedHeight, 0]);
//generate scale first Y
var scaleY = rangeY
.domain(d3.extent(tbl, d => d.Value)) //alternative d => { return d.temperatureMax }
//generate x Axis
.attr('class', 'YAxis')
I am completely surprised by this. Can someone please help explain why the error is happening and how can I debug this.
I created an example notebook
I plan to keep on using vanilla and d3 in the same script seamlessly till I become 100% confident with d3.
How can I keep on doing that?
Thank you in advance.