what happened to the changelog notebooks?

The most recent one was 16 months ago:



It might be helpful to add notebooks announcing single new or changed notebook features to the changelog collection. Ideally anyone following that collection carefully could avoid missing new stuff. For example:


Hi Jacob,

Thanks for this question, and the helpful suggestions!

We recently created a Release Notes notebook called “What’s New On Observable”, which linked from our documentation page. It is part of the “Announcements” collection, which is meant to capture updates, and the Changelog collection is nested within that.

We will work on making the release notes and announcements collection more prominent on the documentation page so its hopefully more easily discoverable.

Hope this helps.


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Thanks Deepti,

So are the “changelog” notebooks per se at their end now? If there won’t be more of those, I would recommend moving all of the “changelog” notebooks directly into the top level of the “announcements” collection, and eliminating the “changelogs” collection. Also perhaps move all of the feature announcement notebooks I linked above into “Announcements”.