UX issue <strike>possible bug</strike>: File import (e.g. csv) data grid does not update value type on first attempt

When I import a csv file into a notebook via the File attachment feature and that data is then displayed in a data grid in the notebook, I am not able to successfully change the value type via the dropdown at the top of a column on the first try.

For example, here I am trying to change the value of the group_tier1_la... column from “auto” (which reads out as other) to “raw.” It is taking me 2-3 tries to actually get the selection to “stick.”/work.

This is a notebook with no other data sources and just a few data filtering methods. The csv file is 75k rows.

Aside: it would be nice to know how to globally disable type imputation for a data grid. I’m pretty sure it’s possible, but, can’t find a widget/don’t know what line of code to write.


I just realized what’s going on. This is a UX issue, not a bug.

The reason the selection feels like it is not being applied is because it is taking a bit of time (~5 seconds) to update. I was expecting instantaneous change (because the rest of the notebook works that way) so it felt like a change wasn’t actually made.

I figured this out because I finally saw the loading spinner in the right bottom corner, but this was REALLY hard to spot.

Maybe a more visible loading indicator could help with this?

Thanks for the report. I don’t think there is a way to globally disable type imputation for a data table cell.

You can use the .done property of the variable to know whether the source is still streaming; it might help in some cases, in order to avoid computing or offering interactions downstream of a data table cell or SQL cell.

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