Translation of Observable's introduction notebooks to Portuguese

Hi everyone!

@radames and I started translating to Portuguese :brazil: :portugal: the User Manual notebook, that will be the Observable: Manual do Usuário em Português, and
the introduction notebooks listed there.

We have already translated three notebooks:

If anyone from Brazil, Portugal or other lusophone country, wants to join us on this task, it would be awesome! We are going to coordinate the translations and track the progress here in this topic.

Translated documentations can help to smooth the learning curve, specially for beginners that don’t have English as their first language.

@anjana, thanks for supporting and sharing this idea on twitter! :raised_hands:


This is amazing!!! Thank you so much @pauloaug @radames et al!! I can’t read Portuguese very well but regardless I can tell you’re doing a fantastic job! :tada: :raised_hands: :pray: :sparkling_heart:

Please let me know if there is anything we can do to help you with this, e.g. if anything is ambiguous or strange in the original English that we can help clarify.

Also just want to remind folks that we have Learning Observable, a playlist of intro videos on our YouTube channel, and folks can turn on the auto-captioning and auto-translation to Portuguese! Might not be 100% perfect but hopefully helps a bit in combination with your awesome notebook translations :smile:

Keep up the amazing work and just let us know if you need anything! Muito, muito obrigada!! :raised_hands:

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