It’s a great feature but I think the affordances could use some work - my biggest issue is that I tend to accidentally start editing previous history states and then lose the work
I’ve often found myself wanting to quickly go through the shared versions in history, because they’re usually some kind of interesting points (new features, crushed bugs, and more stable than the states in between shares).
I’m very much missing some kind of annotation or labelling (like git commit messages), so that the history could be searchable and more meaningful than “Edited A / Edited A / Edited B…”.
One thing I don’t know how to do from the UI is see a diff between two versions. The only way I have figured out is to construct the URL for it manually.
small bug report: in history view, the anchors in the minimap don’t work on “changed” cells
I’d love to be able to see a changeset directly by clicking on it in the history panel—currently it seems I have to go click “compare to latest” then tweak the url (unless I’m missing something?)
Yes, having a way to add a comment to a commit would be great and very functional.
i’ve tried to use the history and found it was not good as I had not clue to which version I was. So an optional popup comment would be useful to add a comment.