Dear all,
I worked a little with D3js and just saw this example on Observable. I would like to do a standalone of this temporal network to be able to use it for my R package NetExplorer and would like to make several modifications. I thus downloaded the notebook source code.
First, I would like to be sure that if I incorporate all the notebook source code the plot will work locally.
Second, the first modifications I wanted to do is to remove those outputs to keep only the ‘scrubber’ and the graph:
update = undefined
data = Object {nodes: Array(3846), links: Array(26040)}
times = Array(1217) [2009-06-04T09:02Z, 2009-06-04T09:03Z, 2009-06-04T09:04Z, 2009-06-04T09:05Z, 2009-06-04T09:06Z, 2009-06-04T09:07Z, 2009-06-04T09:08Z, 2009-06-04T09:09Z, 2009-06-04T09:10Z, 2009-06-04T09:11Z, 2009-06-04T09:12Z, 2009-06-04T09:13Z, 2009-06-04T09:14Z, 2009-06-04T09:17Z, 2009-06-04T09:18Z, 2009-06-04T09:19Z, 2009-06-04T09:20Z, 2009-06-04T09:21Z, 2009-06-04T09:22Z, 2009-06-04T09:23Z, …]
contains = ƒ(…)
height = 680
drag = ƒ(simulation)
d3 = Object {format: ƒ(t), formatPrefix: ƒ(t, n), timeFormat: ƒ(t), timeParse: ƒ(t), utcFormat: ƒ(t), utcParse: ƒ(t), Adder: class, Delaunay: class, FormatSpecifier: ƒ(t), InternMap
Could you please let me know how to do this?
Thank you in advance for your help.