SVG download on notebook, but not with runtime?

I tried downloading and running a copy of Mike’s SVG download notebook, and found that the download buttons don’t work example on Github.

The console reports the following error:

10notebook-runtime.js?module:2 Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'createObjectURL' on 'URL': No function was found that matched the signature provided.
    at HTMLAnchorElement.r.onclick (notebook-runtime.js?module:2)

Which in turn points to:

{var t = r.href = URL.createObjectURL(e);setTimeout(function () {URL.revokeObjectURL(t);}, 50);}, r;}, element: function (e, t) {var n,r = e += "",o = r.indexOf(":");o >= 0 && "xmlns" !== (r = e.slice(0, o)) && (e = e.slice(o + 1));var i = X.hasOwnProperty(r) ? document.createElementNS(X[r], e) : document.createElement(e);if (t) for (var a in t) o = (r = a).indexOf(":"), n = t[a], o >= 0 && "xmlns" !== (r = a.slice(0, o)) && (a = a.slice(o + 1)), X.hasOwnProperty(r) ? i.setAttributeNS(X[r], a, n) : i.setAttribute(a, n);return i;}, input: function (e) {var t = document.createElement("input");return null != e && (t.type = e), t;}, range: function (e, t, n) {1 === arguments.length && (t = e, e = null);var r = document.createElement("input");return r.min = e = null == e ? 0 : +e, r.max = t = null == t ? 1 : +t, r.step = null == n ? "any" : n = +n, r.type = "range", r;}, select: function (e) {var t = document.createElement("select");return, function (e) {var n = document.createElement("option");n.value = n.textContent = e, t.appendChild(n);}), t;}, svg: function (e, t) {var n = document.createElementNS("", "svg");return n.setAttribute("viewBox", [0, 0, e, t]), n.setAttribute("width", e), n.setAttribute("height", t), n;}, text: function (e) {return document.createTextNode(e);}, uid: function (e) {return new K("O-" + (null == e ? "" : e + "-") + ++Y);} },Z = { buffer: function (e) {return new Promise(function (t, n) {var r = new FileReader();r.onload = function () {t(r.result);}, r.onerror = n, r.readAsArrayBuffer(e);});}, text: function (e) {return new Promise(function (t, n) {var r = new FileReader();r.onload = function () {t(r.result);}, r.onerror = n, r.readAsText(e);});}, url: function (e) {return new Promise(function (t, n) {var r = new FileReader();r.onload = function () {t(r.result);}, r.onerror = n, r.readAsDataURL(e);});} };function ee() {return this;}function te(e, t) {let n = !1;return { [Symbol.iterator]: ee, next: () => n ? { done: !0 } : (n = !0, { done: !1, value: e }), return: () => (n = !0, t(e), { done: !0 }), throw: () => ({ done: n = !0 }) };}function ne(e) {let t,n,r = !1;const o = e(function (e) {return n ? (n(e), n = null) : r = !0, t = e;});return { [Symbol.iterator]: ee, throw: () => ({ done: !0 }), return: () => (null != o && o(), { done: !0 }), next: function () {return { done: !1, value: r ? (r = !1, Promise.resolve(t)) : new Promise(e => n = e) };} };}function re(e) {switch (e.type) {case "range":case "number":return e.valueAsNumber;case "date":return e.valueAsDate;case "checkbox":return e.checked;case "file":return e.multiple ? e.files : e.files[0];default:return e.value;}}var oe = { disposable: te, filter: function* (e, t) {for (var n, r = -1; !(n =;) t(n.value, ++r) && (yield n.value);}, input: function (e) {return ne(function (t) {var n = function (e) {switch (e.type) {case "button":case "submit":case "checkbox":return "click";case "file":return "change";default:return "input";}}(e),r = re(e);function o() {t(re(e));}return e.addEventListener(n, o), void 0 !== r && t(r), function () {e.removeEventListener(n, o);};});}, map: function* (e, t) {for (var n, r = -1; !(n =;) yield t(n.value, ++r);}, observe: ne, queue: function (e) {let t;const n = [],r = e(function (e) {return n.push(e), t && (t(n.shift()), t = null), e;});return { [Symbol.iterator]: ee, throw: () => ({ done: !0 }), return: () => (null != r && r(), { done: !0 }), next: function () {return { done: !1, value: n.length ? Promise.resolve(n.shift()) : new Promise(e => t = e) };} };}, range: function* (e, t, n) {e = +e, t = +t, n = (o = arguments.length) < 2 ? (t = e, e = 0, 1) : o < 3 ? 1 : +n;for (var r = -1, o = 0 | Math.max(0, Math.ceil((t - e) / n)); ++r < o;) yield e + r * n;}, valueAt: function (e, t) {if (!(!isFinite(t = +t) || t < 0 || t != t | 0)) for (var n, r = -1; !(n =;) if (++r === t) return n.value;}, worker: function (e) {const t = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([e], { type: "text/javascript" })),n = new Worker(t);return te(n, () => {n.terminate(), URL.revokeObjectURL(t);});} };function ie(e, t) {return function (n) {var r,o,i,a,u,l,s,c,d = n[0],f = [],p = null,h = -1;for (u = 1, l = arguments.length; u < l; ++u) {if ((r = arguments[u]) instanceof Node) f[++h] = r, d += "\x3c!--o:" + h + "--\x3e";else if (Array.isArray(r)) {for (s = 0, c = r.length; s < c; ++s) (o = r[s]) instanceof Node ? (null === p && (f[++h] = p = document.createDocumentFragment(), d += "\x3c!--o:" + h + "--\x3e"), p.appendChild(o)) : (p = null, d += o);p = null;} else d += r;d += n[u];}if (p = e(d), ++h > 0) {for (i = new Array(h), a = document.createTreeWalker(p, NodeFilter.SHOW_COMMENT, null, !1); a.nextNode();) o = a.currentNode, /^o:/.test(o.nodeValue) && (i[+o.nodeValue.slice(2)] = o);for (u = 0; u < h; ++u) (o = i[u]) && o.parentNode.replaceChild(f[u], o);}return 1 === p.childNodes.length ? p.removeChild(p.firstChild) : 11 === p.nodeType ? ((o = t()).appendChild(p), o) : p;};}var ae = ie(function (e) {var t = document.createElement("template");return t.innerHTML = e.trim(), document.importNode(t.content, !0);}, function () {return document.createElement("div");});function ue(e) {let t;Object.defineProperties(this, { generator: { value: ne(e => void (t = e)) }, value: { get: () => e, set: n => t(e = n) } }), void 0 !== e && t(e);}function* le() {for (;;) yield;}var se = new Map();function ce(e, t) {var n;return (n = se.get(e = +e)) ? n.then(J(t)) : (n = >= e ? Promise.resolve(t) : function (e, t) {var n = new Promise(function (n) {se.delete(t);var r = t - e;if (!(r > 0)) throw new Error("invalid time");if (r > 2147483647) throw new Error("too long to wait");setTimeout(n, r);});return se.set(t, n), n;}(n, e).then(J(t));}var de = { delay: function (e, t) {return new Promise(function (n) {setTimeout(function () {n(t);}, e);});}, tick: function (e, t) {return ce(Math.ceil(( + 1) / e) * e, t);}, when: ce };function fe(e, t) {if (/^(\w+:)|\/\//i.test(e)) return e;if (/^[.]{0,2}\//i.test(e)) return new URL(e, null == t ? location : t).href;if (!e.length || /^[\s._]/.test(e) || /\s$/.test(e)) throw new Error("illegal name");return "" + e;}const pe = new Map(),he = [],me =,ve = he.some,be = he.hasOwnProperty,we = "",_e = /^((?:@[^\/@]+\/)?[^\/@]+)(?:@([^\/]+))?(?:\/(.*))?$/,ge = /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+(-[\w-.+]+)?$/;function ye(e) {return "string" == typeof e ? e : "";}function xe(e) {const t = _e.exec(e);return t && { name: t[1], version: t[2], path: t[3] };}function Ee(e) {const t = `${we}${}${e.version ? `@${e.version}` : ""}/package.json`;let n = pe.get(t);return n || pe.set(t, n = fetch(t).then(e => {if (!e.ok) throw new Error("unable to load package.json");return e.redirected && !pe.has(e.url) && pe.set(e.url, n), e.json();})), n;}const Ce = Ne(async function (e, t) {if (e.startsWith(we) && (e = e.substring(we.length)), /^(\w+:)|\/\//i.test(e)) return e;if (/^[.]{0,2}\//i.test(e)) return new URL(e, null == t ? location : t).href;if (!e.length || /^[\s._]/.test(e) || /\s$/.test(e)) throw new Error("illegal name");const n = xe(e);if (!n) return `${we}${e}`;if (!n.version && null != t && t.startsWith(we)) {const e = await Ee(xe(t.substring(we.length)));n.version = e.dependencies && e.dependencies[] || e.peerDependencies && e.peerDependencies[];}if (n.path && n.version && ge.test(n.version)) return `${we}${}@${n.version}/${n.path}`;const r = await Ee(n);return `${we}${}@${r.version}/${n.path || ye(r.unpkg) || ye(r.browser) || ye(r.main) || "index.js"}`;});function Ne(e) {const t = new Map(),n = o(null);function r(e) {if ("string" != typeof e) return e;let n = t.get(e);return n || t.set(e, n = new Promise((t, n) => {const r = document.createElement("script");r.onload = () => {try {t(he.pop()(o(e)));} catch (e) {n(new Error("invalid module"));}r.remove();}, r.onerror = () => {n(new Error("unable to load module")), r.remove();}, r.async = !0, r.src = e, window.define = qe, document.head.appendChild(r);})), n;}function o(t) {return n => Promise.resolve(e(n, t)).then(r);}function i(e) {return arguments.length > 1 ? Promise.all(, n)).then(Pe) : n(e);}return i.alias = function (t) {return Ne((n, r) => n in t && (r = null, "string" != typeof (n = t[n])) ? n : e(n, r));}, i.resolve = e, i;}function Pe(e) {const t = {};for (const n of e) for (const e in n), e) && (null == n[e] ? Object.defineProperty(t, e, { get: Se(n, e) }) : t[e] = n[e]);return t;}function Se(e, t) {return () => e[t];}function ke(e) {return e + "" == "exports";}function qe(e, t, n) {const r = arguments.length;r < 2 ? (n = e, t = []) : r < 3 && (n = t, t = "string" == typeof e ? [] : e), he.push(, ke) ? e => {const r = {};return Promise.all(, t => ke(t += "") ? r : e(t))).then(e => (n.apply(null, e), r));} : e => Promise.all(, e)).then(e => "function" == typeof n ? n.apply(null, e) : n));}qe.amd = {};var je = ie(function (e) {var t = document.createElementNS("", "g");return t.innerHTML = e.trim(), t;}, function () {return document.createElementNS("", "g");}),Le = String.raw;function $e(e) {return new Promise(function (t, n) {var r = document.createElement("link");r.rel = "stylesheet", r.href = e, r.onerror = n, r.onload = t, document.head.appendChild(r);});}var Me = 28;function Oe() {return ne(function (e) {var t = e(window.innerWidth - Me);function n() {var n = window.innerWidth - Me;n !== t && e(t = n);}return window.addEventListener("resize", n), function () {window.removeEventListener("resize", n);};});}function Ae(e) {const t = function (e) {return null == e ? Ce : Ne(e);}(e);Object.defineProperties(this, { DOM: { value: Q, writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, Files: { value: Z, writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, Generators: { value: oe, writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, html: { value: J(ae), writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, md: { value: function (e) {return function () {return e("marked@0.3.12/marked.min.js").then(function (t) {return ie(function (n) {var r = document.createElement("div");r.innerHTML = t(n, { langPrefix: "" }).trim();var o = r.querySelectorAll("pre code[class]");return o.length > 0 && e("@observablehq/highlight.js@1.1.1/highlight.min.js").then(function (e) {o.forEach(function (t) {e.highlightBlock(t), t.parentNode.classList.add("observablehq--md-pre");});}), r;}, function () {return document.createElement("div");});});};}(t), writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, Mutable: { value: J(ue), writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, now: { value: le, writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, Promises: { value: de, writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, require: { value: J(t), writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, resolve: { value: J(fe), writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, svg: { value: J(je), writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, tex: { value: function (e) {return function () {return Promise.all([e("@observablehq/katex@0.10.1/dist/katex.min.js"), e.resolve("@observablehq/katex@0.10.1/dist/katex.min.css").then($e)]).then(function (e) {var t = e[0],n = r();function r(e) {return function () {var n = document.createElement("div");return t.render(Le.apply(String, arguments), n, e), n.removeChild(n.firstChild);};}return n.options = r, n.block = r({ displayMode: !0 }), n;});};}(t), writable: !0, enumerable: !0 }, width: { value: Oe, writable: !0, enumerable: !0 } });}function Te(e, t) {this.message = e + "", this.input = t;}Te.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), = "RuntimeError", Te.prototype.constructor = Te;var Re = Array.prototype,De =,Fe = Re.forEach;function Ue(e) {return function () {return e;};}function ze(e) {return e;}function He() {}var Ie = 1,We = 2,Be = 3,Ve = {};function Ge(e, t, n) {var r;null == n && (n = Ve), Object.defineProperties(this, { _observer: { value: n, writable: !0 }, _definition: { value: Ye, writable: !0 }, _duplicate: { value: void 0, writable: !0 }, _duplicates: { value: void 0, writable: !0 }, _indegree: { value: -1, writable: !0 }, _inputs: { value: [], writable: !0 }, _invalidate: { value: He, writable: !0 }, _module: { value: t }, _name: { value: null, writable: !0 }, _outputs: { value: new Set(), writable: !0 }, _promise: { value: Promise.resolve(void 0), writable: !0 }, _reachable: { value: n !== Ve, writable: !0 }, _rejector: { value: (r = this, function (e) {if (e === Ye) throw new Te(r._name + " is not defined", r._name);throw new Te(r._name + " could not be resolved", r._name);}) }, _type: { value: e }, _value: { value: void 0, writable: !0 }, _version: { value: 0, writable: !0 } });}function Je(e) {e._module._runtime._dirty.add(e), e._outputs.add(this);}function Xe(e) {e._module._runtime._dirty.add(e), e._outputs.delete(this);}function Ye() {throw Ye;}function Ke(e) {return function () {throw new Te(e + " is defined more than once");};}function Qe(e, t, n) {var r = this._module._scope,o = this._module._runtime;if (this._inputs.forEach(Xe, this), t.forEach(Je, this), this._inputs = t, this._definition = n, this._value = void 0, e == this._name && r.get(e) === this) this._outputs.forEach(o._updates.add, o._updates);else {var i, a;if (this._name) if (this._outputs.size) r.delete(this._name), (a = this._module._resolve(this._name))._outputs = this._outputs, this._outputs = new Set(), a._outputs.forEach(function (e) {e._inputs[e._inputs.indexOf(this)] = a;}, this), a._outputs.forEach(o._updates.add, o._updates), o._dirty.add(a).add(this), r.set(this._name, a);else if ((a = r.get(this._name)) === this) r.delete(this._name);else {if (a._type !== Be) throw new Error();a._duplicates.delete(this), this._duplicate = void 0, 1 === a._duplicates.size && (a = a._duplicates.keys().next().value, i = r.get(this._name), a._outputs = i._outputs, i._outputs = new Set(), a._outputs.forEach(function (e) {e._inputs[e._inputs.indexOf(i)] = a;}), a._definition = a._duplicate, a._duplicate = void 0, o._dirty.add(i).add(a), o._updates.add(a), r.set(this._name, a));}if (this._outputs.size) throw new Error();e && ((a = r.get(e)) ? a._type === Be ? (this._definition = Ke(e), this._duplicate = n, a._duplicates.add(this)) : a._type === We ? (this._outputs = a._outputs, a._outputs = new Set(), this._outputs.forEach(function (e) {e._inputs[e._inputs.indexOf(a)] = this;}, this), o._dirty.add(a).add(this), r.set(e, this)) : (a._duplicate = a._definition, this._duplicate = n, (i = new Ge(Be, this._module))._name = e, i._definition = this._definition = a._definition = Ke(e), i._outputs = a._outputs, a._outputs = new Set(), i._outputs.forEach(function (e) {e._inputs[e._inputs.indexOf(a)] = i;}), i._duplicates = new Set([this, a]), o._dirty.add(a).add(i), o._updates.add(a).add(i), r.set(e, i)) : r.set(e, this)), this._name = e;}return o._updates.add(this), o._compute(), this;}Object.defineProperties(Ge.prototype, { _pending: { value: function () {this._observer.pending && this._observer.pending();}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, _fulfilled: { value: function (e) {this._observer.fulfilled && this._observer.fulfilled(e, this._name);}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, _rejected: { value: function (e) {this._observer.rejected && this._observer.rejected(e, this._name);}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, define: { value: function (e, t, n) {switch (arguments.length) {case 1:n = e, e = t = null;break;case 2:n = t, "string" == typeof e ? t = null : (t = e, e = null);}return, null == e ? null : e + "", null == t ? [] :, this._module._resolve, this._module), "function" == typeof n ? n : Ue(n));}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, delete: { value: function () {return, null, [], He);}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, import: { value: function (e, t, n) {arguments.length < 3 && (n = t, t = e);return, t + "", [n._resolve(e + "")], ze);}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } });var Ze = new Map();function et(e) {Object.defineProperties(this, { _runtime: { value: e }, _scope: { value: new Map() } });}function tt(e) {return e._name;}Object.defineProperties(et.prototype, { _copy: { value: function (e, t, n) {var r = new et(this._runtime);return n.set(this, r), this._scope.forEach(function (o, i) {var a,u = new Ge(o._type, r);if (a = e.get(i)) u.import(, a.alias, t);else if (o._definition === ze) {var l = o._inputs[0],s = l._module,c = n.get(s) || s._copy(Ze, null, n);u.import(l._name, i, c);} else u.define(i,, o._definition);}), r;}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, _resolve: { value: function (e) {var t,n = this._scope.get(e);n || (n = new Ge(We, this), this._runtime._builtin._scope.has(e) ? n.import(e, this._runtime._builtin) : void 0 !== (t = this._runtime._global(e)) ? n.define(e, Ue(t)) : "invalidation" === e ? n.define(e, nt) : "visibility" === e ? n.define(e, rt) : this._scope.set(n._name = e, n));return n;}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, define: { value: function () {var e = new Ge(Ie, this);return e.define.apply(e, arguments);}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, derive: { value: function (e, t) {var n = new Map();return, function (e) {"object" != typeof e && (e = { name: e + "" }), null == e.alias && (e.alias =, n.set(e.alias, e);}), this._copy(n, t, new Map());}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, import: { value: function () {var e = new Ge(Ie, this);return e.import.apply(e, arguments);}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, variable: { value: function (e) {return new Ge(Ie, this, e);}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } });var nt = {},rt = {};function ot(e, t = function (e) {return window[e];}) {var n = this.module();if (Object.defineProperties(this, { _dirty: { value: new Set() }, _updates: { value: new Set() }, _computing: { value: null, writable: !0 }, _builtin: { value: n }, _global: { value: t } }), e) for (var r in e) new Ge(We, n).define(r, [], e[r]);}function it(e) {++e._indegree;}function at(e) {return e._promise.catch(e._rejector);}function ut(e) {return new Promise(function (t) {e._invalidate = t;});}function lt(e, t) {let n,r,o = "function" == typeof IntersectionObserver && t._observer && t._observer._node,i = !o,a = He,u = He;return o && ((r = new IntersectionObserver(([e]) => (i = e.isIntersecting) && (n = null, a()))).observe(o), e.then(() => (r.disconnect(), r = null, u()))), function (e) {return i ? Promise.resolve(e) : r ? (n || (n = new Promise((e, t) => (a = e, u = t))), n.then(() => e)) : Promise.reject();};}function st(e) {e._invalidate(), e._invalidate = He, e._pending();var t = e._value,n = ++e._version,r = null,o = e._promise = Promise.all( (o) {if (e._version === n) {for (var i = 0, a = o.length; i < a; ++i) switch (o[i]) {case nt:o[i] = r = ut(e);break;case rt:r || (r = ut(e)), o[i] = lt(r, e);}return e._definition.apply(t, o);}}).then(function (t) {return function (e) {return e && "function" == typeof && "function" == typeof e.return;}(t) ? ((r || ut(e)).then((i = t, function () {i.return();})), function (e, t, n, r) {function o() {var n = new Promise(function (e) {e(;}).then(function (r) {return r.done ? void 0 : Promise.resolve(r.value).then(function (r) {if (e._version === t) return ct(e, r, n).then(o), e._fulfilled(r), r;});});n.catch(function (r) {e._version === t && (ct(e, void 0, n), e._rejected(r));});}return new Promise(function (e) {e(;}).then(function (e) {if (!e.done) return n.then(o), e.value;});}(e, n, o, t)) : t;var i;});o.then(function (t) {e._version === n && (e._value = t, e._fulfilled(t));}, function (t) {e._version === n && (e._value = void 0, e._rejected(t));});}function ct(e, t, n) {var r = e._module._runtime;return e._value = t, e._promise = n, e._outputs.forEach(r._updates.add, r._updates), r._compute();}Object.defineProperties(ot, { load: { value: function (e, t, n) {if ("function" == typeof t && (n = t, t = null), "function" != typeof n) throw new Error("invalid observer");null == t && (t = new Ae());const { modules: r, id: o } = e,i = new Map(),a = new ot(t),u = l(o);function l(e) {let t = i.get(e);return t || i.set(e, t = a.module()), t;}for (const e of r) {const t = l(;let r = 0;for (const o of e.variables) o.from ? t.import(o.remote,, l(o.from)) : t === u ? t.variable(n(o, r, e.variables)).define(, o.inputs, o.value) : t.define(, o.inputs, o.value), ++r;}return a;}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), Object.defineProperties(ot.prototype, { _compute: { value: function () {return this._computing || (this._computing = this._computeSoon());}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, _computeSoon: { value: function () {var e = this;return new Promise(function (t) {requestAnimationFrame(function () {t(), e._computeNow();});});}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, _computeNow: { value: function () {var e,t,n = [];(e = new Set(this._dirty)).forEach(function (t) {t._inputs.forEach(e.add, e);const n = function (e) {if (e._observer !== Ve) return !0;var t = new Set(e._outputs);for (const e of t) {if (e._observer !== Ve) return !0;e._outputs.forEach(t.add, t);}return !1;}(t);n > t._reachable ? this._updates.add(t) : n < t._reachable && t._invalidate(), t._reachable = n;}, this), (e = new Set(this._updates)).forEach(function (t) {t._reachable ? (t._indegree = 0, t._outputs.forEach(e.add, e)) : (t._indegree = -1, e.delete(t));}), this._computing = null, this._updates.clear(), this._dirty.clear(), e.forEach(function (e) {e._outputs.forEach(it);}), e.forEach(function (e) {0 === e._indegree && n.push(e);});for (; t = n.pop();) st(t), t._outputs.forEach(r), e.delete(t);function r(e) {0 == --e._indegree && n.push(e);}e.forEach(function (e) {var t = new Te("circular definition");e._value = void 0, (e._promise = Promise.reject(t)).catch(He), e._rejected(t);});}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }, module: { value: function () {return new et(this);}, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } });export { G as Inspector, Ae as Library, ot as Runtime, Te as RuntimeError };

Is this a bug? Or expected?

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Hmm, a quick workaround is to change the script import in the HTML file from:

import {Inspector, Runtime} from "";

to (edit: the following works, but is unsupported: see @mbostock’s post for the correct import statements!)

import {Inspector, Runtime} from ""

(For some reason the most recent version runtime@4 doesn’t work at the moment either due to some issue with marked?)

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Nice workaround! Thanks Bryan.

The reason runtime@4 is not loading is that you are using unpkg’s experimental support for ES modules, which we do not support for the Observable runtime. Instead, per the README, we provide a bundled ES module:

import {Runtime, Inspector} from "";

Or using unpkg:

import {Runtime, Inspector} from "";

Unfortunately, we can’t specify this as the module entry point in the package.json without also changing how the source would be consumed by bundlers such as Rollup, and unpkg does not have a separate dedicated endpoint for the experimental ?module feature.