I’m trying to do my first “real” size network using simulation and d3.force. Actually I just forked Simple Force-Directed Graph (Network graph) from xianwu and tried to make it work with my own dataset of few hundred nodes.
I failed locally and on observable because I’m dum in javascript and I’m still learning by trial and error. The first error I got was a "Type error" can't assign to property "vx" on "n0": not an object
So I thought that maybe I should have my id as int exactly as in xianwu’s notebook, but the error just changed to Uncaught TypeError: Cannot create property 'vx' on number '0'
Therefor, I am wondering if the problem is not the size of the network although I’ve seen bigger one in observable.
How can I show the graph associated with the data (in graphml format).
Thank you