Plot: get formatted axis tick values

Plot does a great job dynamically computing ticks values and formats. I want to use the strings of the x and y tick values.

In this notebook I’m able to identify the locations of each tick and (with a good bit of copying and pasting) apply the formatter.

This is pretty cumbersome, and I can’t quite get it working for dates finally got it working for dates. Is there a better way to get the formatted tick values from a Plot?


I don’t have an answer for you, sadly, but I am very curious what you are trying to do with the formatted axis tick values.

Fun to see you here, @Cobus - I’m trying to compute better (updated) margins and axis tick rotations so that the ticks don’t get cutoff or overlap.

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FWIW, My current approach is to render the SVG and then use a querySelector to grab the labels:

const xTickLabels = node.querySelectorAll('[aria-label="x-axis tick label"] text')
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You can use a Plot.axisX mark with a render transform. I’m sending you a suggestion.

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Thanks @Fil !

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@Fil could you please also send me this suggestion? My use case is that I want to know these autogenerated tick values in order to do some unit testing on the way i am rounding values.

@mishatsvelik You can find the changes here: Comparing Get axis tick values to Get axis tick values | Observable

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