Plot: Conditionally color ticks/axis text?

I’m looking for options to change color of Tick Mark & Tick Text (Tick Mark / Observable Plot / Observable / Observable) based on conditions in tickformat. Is there option to realize this?

I could not find answers in github, talk and stackoverflow.

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There is no baked-in solution in Plot, but you can modify the svg with d3:


Selection via the new aria-label - awesome!!

I’ve added a second example which uses only css.

Works perfectly. :+1:
Thanks a lot.

You can also render the ticks yourself using a tick and a text mark (and some manual positioning):

  x: { domain: [0, 1], ticks: [] },
  marks: [
    Plot.dotX(Array.from({ length: 100 }, Math.random)),
    Plot.tickX(d3.ticks(0, 1, 10), { stroke: x => x, dy: 6, insetTop: 23 }),
    Plot.textX(d3.ticks(0, 1, 10), { fill: x => x, dy: 16, text: x => x.toFixed(1), frameAnchor: "bottom" })