[parameterized].md doesn't build if "unlisted" in config pages []

I’m exploring the framework (it’s rather wonderful!) and so much is working superbly… but :slight_smile:

I’ve noticed that unless I explicitly list [parameterised].md in the pages array (through observablehq.config.js) they won’t be built into .html within /dist after error-less yarn clean && yarn build… the same [paramerterized].md when listed in the pages array will build just fine.

That could be ok for some, however in my case I don’t want them on the sidebar at all (or just yet at least) since there is some conditionality around whether they should appear.

I was wondering if I may be missing some simple workaround because pages that aren’t of the parameterized variety get built just fine, unlisted or not.

What will be the way (and/or the right way) to signal unlisted parameterized pages as being buildable?

Many thanks for any consideration.

You should be able to add them with the dynamicPaths option as well.

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Thank you! :man_facepalming:

With your comment I noticed that I had added the .md extension to my routes in dynamicPaths, removing that puts me back on track. :heart:

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