Observable Plot - Pie charts?

Hello, I’m starting to learn how to use Plot, but I see there’s no ‘round’ chart at all. No pie charts neither donuts or sunburst examples. Why?
I wish it is just my fault in not finding them…

Anyway, if it is like that, is it possible to draw the model with D3 and let in some way Plot manage it?
I’m asking because I’m creating a page, where several charts are drawn dynamically, based on the data input, so that as an example can be created 2 barY charts, 1 barX and one Donut chart, or other combinations…
I find convenient to use Plot, but I need also circular charts…

It’s not ready yet, but feel free to vote up the issue Arc mark (for donuts and pies). · Issue #80 · observablehq/plot · GitHub.

Ya, this would be nice