I’m building this heat map starting from this template .
I have a date field (the name is data
, and it’s in YYYY-MM-DD format), and I use it to put labels in x axis.
Currently I put the day number:
But I would like to have labels both with month and day, as those I have by default in a standard line chart , based on the same data.
How to format the date, in the same way in a plot cell chart?
Thank you
Try the suggestions below. Not exactly the orientation you want but should set you in the right direction. This reference is also useful GitHub - d3/d3-time-format: Parse and format times, inspired by strptime and strftime.
marginLeft: 120,
padding: 0,
color: {
domain: [0, 1, 2, 3],
range: ["#5bd601", "#e8d203", "#ff7f02", "#c40001"]
y: { label: null },
x: {
tickFormat: "%b %d",
tickRotate: -90,
marks: [
{ fill: "max" },
x: (d) => d.data,
y: "citta",
fill: "livello_n",
inset: 1,
tip: false
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Extremely useful, thank you very much.
I would like to have the short month name in my language, Italian. How to add this setting?
You can set up a customer locale format and use it in the chat like so
dateformat = {
const locale = await fetch(
const localeJSON = await locale.json();
const timeformat = d3.timeFormatDefaultLocale(localeJSON);
return timeformat.format("%d %b");
And call the dateformat with the data
tickFormat: (d) => dateformat(d),
Thank you very much @thehogfather , extremely useful
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These days I recommend using the browser’s built-in localized date formatting (date .toLocaleString) instead of using d3-time-format; the browser has a much richer API and all the locales are built-in so you don’t have to load another locale definition. Also using d3.timeFormatDefaultLocale in particular is tricky because it changes the default locale; therefore D3’s behavior depends on the order in which cells are evaluated.
You can also mimic the multi-line format that Plot now uses by default for time-series axes like so, which is nice because then you don’t need to rotate the labels, improving readability:
x: {
tickFormat(x, i, X) {
const format1 = (x) => x.toLocaleString("it", { day: "numeric" });
const format2 = (x) => x.toLocaleString("it", { month: "short" });
const f1 = format1(x);
const f2 = format2(x);
return i > 0 && f2 === format2(X[i - 1]) ? f1 : [f1, f2].join("\n");
label: null,
type: "band"
marks: …
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Split this topic
July 23, 2023, 6:10pm
July 31, 2023, 1:34pm
Sorry to jump on this bandwagon: an alternative is to use a continuous (utc) scale for x , and benefit from the new default time axes:
marginLeft: 120,
marginBottom: 60,
padding: 0,
color: {
domain: [0, 1, 2, 3],
range: ["#5bd601", "#e8d203", "#ff7f02", "#c40001"]
y: { label: "Città, da Nord a Sud" },
marks: [
Plot.barX(diecigiorni, {
x: "data",
interval: "day",
y: "citta",
fill: "livello_n",
inset: 1,
tip: true,
sort: {
y: "-data",
reduce: ([d]) => d.latitude
Here we use a barX mark, with the interval : day option that generates 1-day long bars. See also centered/aligned intervals? · Issue #1774 · observablehq/plot · GitHub