Limiting Date {Axis X} and date {Axis Y}

Hello friends,

I am new on Vega-lite and I appreciate if you could give me some help to solve my Line Chart with Point Markers problem, please.
I am trying to plot a graph that shows Artist Name (Sum) in Axis Y and Released Year (of a music) in Axis X, and I wanto to compare with three playlists (Spotify, Deezer and Apple).

But because evething is appearing tohether and tight like in the picture, I dont know what to do.

This is my code:

function ex02(divWidth) {
return {
spec: {
width: divWidth,
data: {
values: spotify
“transform”: [
{“calculate”: “datum.released_year > 1969”, “as”: “aboveYear”}
“mark”: {
“color”: {“field”: “artist(s)_name”, “type”: “nominal”}