HTML table from dictionary and arrays

I am trying to build an HTML table from a dictionary, that has objects with an array property. I hope I am not missing something dumb / easy, I have been trying many different variations. Have read the article difference between HTML and fragment (but honestly probably not catching the subtleties of when a fragment is useful). I found this question and answers that is similar but not quite the collection of collections that I have.

I also don’t know if I am better off with an HTML cell that has embedded code, or a javscript cell that has embedded HTML.

Here is what I have for what I think is the closest attempt.

      <th>Sample ID</th>
    ${ Object.keys(testResultIdsWithTimestamps).map( sampleId =>
        <td>${testResultIdsWithTimestamps[sampleId].dates.forEach( d => htl.html`${d}<br/>` )}</td>

and the output I’m getting: no dates :frowning:

I have also confirmed:

  • the dates property is an array (used Array.IsArray and spit out true in the html table)
  • the values in dates array are valid dates (spit out only the dates property and the array “tostring” renders)

Thank you for any guidance!

You probably want instead of dates.forEach. forEach invokes the callback without returning a value.

htl.html expects the markup to have one root element, and will add a span if it doesn’t. A document fragment on the other hand acts like a temporary root element that “dissolves” as soon as it gets inserted into a DOM, allowing you to insert multiple elements without an additional wrapper.

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Doh! Since javascript not my main language I wasn’t groking that difference (forEach vs map). Thank you @mootari for the nudge.

And – ahh, that document fragment info helps a lot.

Got it all working then with this.

      <th>Sample ID</th>
    ${ Object.keys(testResultIdsWithTimestamps).map( sampleId =>
        <td>${testResultIdsWithTimestamps[sampleId] d => htl.html.fragment`${formatDateTime(d)}<br/>` )}</td>