Does anyone know of a pre-built CSS template for this? And does the Observable team have any plans to release some sort of community CSS that could be coupled with generate notebook outputs for these sorts of elements?
Not all the styling that makes Observable notebooks pretty is close-sourced, the stylesheets for the Observable Inspector is open sourced, which you can include with this link tag:
This will make some cells, like inspectors for arrays, look like what you see on But, the styling that is closed-sourced are things like table styles, markdown text, fonts, and some other miscellaneous elements, and there doesn’t seem to be a 3rd party solution for that. For better markdown stylesheets, you could use something like , but itll look much different than a typical Observable notebook
Thanks for pointing this out! I suppose I got worried about using this after reading a recent thread, but since it comes bundled with the downloads I should assume it’s OK to use?