The newest pages are first. So 1000 from:
That returns the continue:date to continue from.
That returns the other 566 entries. If there are more than 1000, the continue is present.
thanks a lot for your answer. My problem is that I don’t know how to code this in my function. I’ve tried a recursive function but it doesn’t seem to work in Observable:
get_allpagescreated = async function (offset = "") {
const data = await get_pagescreated("");
if (data.continue === undefined) {
return data;
} else {
return await get_allpagescreated((offset = data.continue));
I guess that mutable would help me but I don’t really know how to use it.
Instead of recursively loading, you could also do it iteratively which would allow you to start returning data immediately using Observable’s generators. I made a quick demo of how to do that. Sorry it’s not using the original API, but a fake one that I made for this demo.