I am using graphviz/dot layouts for graph data. Some of my labels are very long. Graphviz does not natively support text wrapping. I am dynamically creating graphs, so manual wrapping is out of the question.
I have looked into several workarounds - for D3, Graphviz, etc. Many of these are several years old and I have not been able to find any that work. It should be simple, but it’s turning out to be frustratingly difficult.
One thing you could try is to use a simple wrapping function for the labels of the Graphviz nodes:
example = dot`digraph g {
rankdir = LR;
a [label="${wordWrap("One two", { maxLength: 3 })}"]
a -> b -> c;
Something that might be worthwhile would be to try and find a JS library that can implement more robust wrapping, in case your data doesn’t work with such a simple wrapping function.