I have a simple github like activity diagram which I would like to modify a bit.
However I am not sure what is feasible and in which direction I should look.
Maybe someone can guide me here?
The current diagram is simple:
marginLeft: 80,
width: width,
color: {scheme: "YlGnBu"},
facet: {
data: data,
y: "category",
label: "",
marginLeft: 70
marks: [
Plot.barX(data, Plot.binX({fill: "count"}, {x: {value: "date", thresholds: d3.utcWeek}}))
Some modifications I would like to make:
- Can the category name be replaced with an alternate text? As these are facets,
does not work. And even better: Can the category name be replaced with a pictogram = a SVG image? - Is it possible to print the overall sum of events for a row right next to the diagram?
- Sometimes there is very little data which results in a lot of white cells which blend in to the white background of the page. I am thinking of making empty cells grey. Is it easily possible to modify a color scheme? Or are there better alternatives? Maybe a border around the plot is enough.