Enable Task Lists in Markdown

Hi Observable Team!

Perhaps another small change that might be useful and interesting.

Just tried adding a task list in a notebook and found it not to render:

- [ ] Chore 1
- [x] Chore 2
- [x] Chore 3
- [ ] Chore 4
- [ ] Chore 5

Any thoughts on extending Observable’s default Markdown?

Here’s GitHub’s announcement from when they added this feature:

Observable is beautiful, elegant, and amazing - and your team is extremely caring and helpful! Thank you so much for you making this resource and opening it to the world!




Hey Aaron!

That’s a neat idea - currently it is technically possible but pretty inconvenient to support task lists: here’s an example:

Our default Markdown parser (what you get when you use the md method) is marked, which is still working on their GFM compliance.

There’s also, well - ideally if we have checkboxes, they’re checkable :slight_smile: Which means supporting something like data storage or self-modifying cells in the notebook, which will be very cool if it happens.



Cool! Thanks for the immediate work-around. :slight_smile: It would indeed be very cool to have data-storage / self-modifying notebook cells!

Thanks for all your amazing work on this platform!