Embedding cells in an Electron App

Following the Observable meetup in January, I thought of a way Observable could make my life a lot easier. I’m building an Electron app that helps researchers to request some APIs (i.e. Scopus) and display the results as D3 graphs just by clicking buttons. A new feature I’m implementing is a D3 slider, so that people don’t need to alternate between that Electron App and their PowerPoint slides. And since it’s a D3 slider, slides could contain observable cells. Or so I thought.

This is how I’m trying to create the cells:

const createObsCell = (slide,id,userName,notebookName) => {
  // Create a DIV in the DOM
  var cell = document.createElement("DIV");
  cell.id = "observablehq-"+id; 

  // Create a path for the define script
  let modStorePath = userDataPath + "/flatDatasets/"+userName+"+"+notebookName+".js";

  // Check if already accessed in the past and hence already available
  if (fs.existsSync(modStorePath)) {

require = require('esm')(module);
var define = require(modStorePath);
const inspect = Inspector.into("#observablehq-"+id);
(new Runtime).module(define, name => (name === "chart") && inspect());
  // If not, download it from the Observable API  
  } else {

  let optionsRequest = {
// Prepare options for the Request-Promise-Native Package
uri:"https://api.observablehq.com/"+userName+"/"+notebookName+".js?v=3", // URI to be accessed
headers: { "User-Agent": "Request-Promise" }, // User agent to access is Request-promise
json: false // don't automatically parse as JSON

  rpn(optionsRequest) // RPN stands for Request-promise-native (Request + Promise)
.then(mod =>{
  // Write the file in the app's user directory
  fs.writeFile(modStorePath, mod, "utf8", err => {
    if (err) throw err;
    require = require('esm')(module);
    var define = require(modStorePath);
    const inspect = Inspector.into("#observablehq-"+id);
    (new Runtime).module(define, name => (name === "chart") && inspect());

The error I get when I try
is the following

PANDORAE/node_modules/@observablehq/runtime/dist/runtime.umd.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: e is not a function
at zt.value (PANDORAE/node_modules/@observablehq/runtime/dist/runtime.umd.js:2)
at createObsCell (slider.js:20)
at :1:1

Any idea how I could fix that, or do things differently in a way that is safe-ish in an Electron context? I’m using Electron V5.0.3 and Runtime V4.6.4.


Found the solution. define as loaded by esm is in fact define.default which should hence be ran as runtime.module(**define.default**, name => (name === "chart") && inspect());