Embedding this notebook onto a local live-server to test it out. It’s working (the svg/chart part anyway), however I am seeing HTML output of seemingly every cell? HTML code is below and so is the screenshot of my live-server.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="module">
// Load the Observable runtime and inspector.
import {Runtime, Inspector,Library} from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@observablehq/runtime@4/dist/runtime.js";
const runtime = new Runtime(Object.assign(new Library, {width: 640}));
// Your notebook, compiled as an ES module.
import notebook from "https://api.observablehq.com/@kickout/untitled.js?v=3";
// Load the notebook, observing its cells with a default Inspector
// that simply renders the value of each cell into the provided DOM node.
new Runtime().module(notebook, Inspector.into(document.body));
import {Runtime, Inspector,Library} from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@observablehq/runtime@4/dist/runtime.js";
import notebook from "https://api.observablehq.com/@kickout/untitled.js?v=3";
new Runtime().module(notebook, name => (name === "drawchart" || name === "myStyles") && Inspector());
You’ll want to add an HTML div to render the styles into, so:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div id="time"></div>
<div id="yldprod"></div>
<div id="chart"></div>
<div id="styles"></div>
<script type="module">
import {Runtime, Inspector,Library} from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@observablehq/runtime@4/dist/runtime.js";
const runtime = new Runtime(Object.assign(new Library, {width: 640}));
import notebook from "https://api.observablehq.com/@kickout/untitled.js?v=3";
new Runtime().module(notebook, name => {
switch (name) {
case "viewof time": return new Inspector(document.querySelector("#time"));
case "viewof yldprod": return new Inspector(document.querySelector("#yldprod"));
case "drawchart": return new Inspector(document.querySelector("#chart"));
case "myStyles": return new Inspector(document.querySelector("#styles"));
Note the <div id="styles"></div> at the top of the page. That’s where your styles will be inserted.