DuckDB 'PIVOT ON' SQL statement

Hi. I tried to use an SQL Pivot-statement (PIVOT ... ON ... USING) within an SQL Cell in a Notebook. I get Error: Parser Error: syntax error at or near "PIVOT", and it looks like perhaps that Statement is not supported by the DuckDB-Wasm that is included in Notebooks?

I checked the stdlib, which says that DuckDB-Wasm v 1.24 is included in Observable. I then checked with the DuckDB-Wasm documentation and the Browser demo-Prompt, which runs on v1.2.0 does in fact support PIVOT (I just hacked in the PIVOT-example from here and it works).

What’s a bit strange is that when I run SELECT version() AS version; inside an SQL cell in a notebook, I get v0.0.1-dev0, whereas in the demo-Prompt I get v1.2.0, so perhaps indeed the Notebook-DuckDB-Wasm-Version is somewhat outdated?

Any pointers?

We’re unfortunately still in the process of resolving an issue where range requests are incorrectly served from compressed files, which causes errors in Safari when file attachments are used with a newer version of DuckDB.

The reported version that you see is due to PRAGMA version reports a wrong version in NPM version ¡ Issue #1234 ¡ duckdb/duckdb-wasm ¡ GitHub

Ah OK. And what is the current version of DuckDB-Wasm included with Notebooks then?

It’s 1.24.0:

OK, so then it is indeed 1.24, so I don’t get why the PIVOT command then doesn’t work… I tried this in Chrome, so I don’t see a link to the Safari error that you quote. Thanks.

Because duckdb-wasm versions don’t follow DuckDB. Version 1.24.0 bundles DuckDB version 0.7.1:

You can follow this issue for updates:

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Aahh, OK, got it. Sorry, and thanks for pointing me to the GitHub issue on the matter. Very helpful!

@stschiff Would you mind giving this a try?

Edit: I had messed up the original description - it’s duckdb-wasm 1.29.0 and duckdb 1.1.1.

Great. Your patch worked for me! I tested on Chrome and Safari, and it seemed to work on both browsers!

Thanks for checking! I think the problem in Safari only shows itself with file attachments that get compressed at rest (which isn’t the case for every MIME type and requires a certain effective reduction in size).