D3: Unbounded overlapping path elements d3 geo map

I’m trying to chart India and Indian states using D3 geo. For some reason—which I’m unable to figure out—the path elements that are generated from the mercator projection function are

  1. Overlapping, and only the last path is visible.
  2. Extending beyond the bounds of svg, when in requirement, they should only take as much space as bounded by the path d’s stroke.

Following is an observable for reproduction: https://observablehq.com/@apah/indian-states. In this example I’ve added a fill opacity to show that the paths are rendered, but incorrectly.

When I try a different (less accurate) data like this one: https://gist.githubusercontent.com/RajuBhosale/a136cf7b0d437067bdb1/raw/33c9d96c70931f56883b9f50a3dd3f63f605938a/map.geojson, the problem doesn’t happen.

So I believe, there might be something wrong with the data itself? I can’t figure out how to figure that out, especially because the geojson data is from a government source, so it’s the most accurate data I have. Help would be really appreciated, have been stuck on this for a while. I’m confused more still because mapshaper and qgis are able to render the data correctly.

See Geo: Rewind / Fil | Observable

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