I’m creating a global choropleth map (sample notebook) using plot.geo
and would like to crop and shift the map slightly, after I removed Antartica from the Mercator projection.
What’s the best way to do this? There’s a lot of whitespace at the bottom of the plot that i want to get rid of. I’d also like to move it a tiny bit to the left, to move that bit of Russia next to Alaska to the other side.
I thought restricting it via the domain
option under projection
would handle the cropping it, but I’m not sure what to pass/filter there.
import {world110m, world50m} from "@visionscarto/geo"
land = topojson.feature(world110m, world110m.objects.countries);
countByCountry = new Map(
responseData.map(d => [d.country_code_alpha3, d[colorCriteria]])
title: `Results by ${colorCriterias[colorCriteria]}`,
projection: {
type: "mercator",
// domain: land.features.filter(d => d.properties.continent !== "Antarctica")
marks: [
land.features.filter(d => d.properties.continent !== "Antarctica"),
fill: d => countByCountry.get(d.properties.a3),
stroke: "black",
strokeWidth: 0.25,
tip: {
x: d => d3.geoCentroid(d)[0],
y: d => d3.geoCentroid(d)[1],
title: d => {
const count = countByCountry.get(d.properties.a3);
return `${d.properties.name}\nPopulation: ${count ? count.toLocaleString() : "No data"}`;
color: {
type: "quantize",
domain: responseData.map(d => d[colorCriteria]),
range: d3.schemeGreens[5],
missing: "#ccc"