Written permission to use Observable icons


I’d like to publish this (actually link shared) notebook, containing icons used by/on Observable: https://observablehq.com/d/b5967b101a846b2d

Note that this notebook is based on the output of https://observablehq.com/@nikita-sharov/observable-icons (stored as JSON), taken down a while ago (no response so far):

Should you (Observable team) reconsider this violation, restore the latter and allow publication of the former notebook, I’d like to ask you in advance for permission to publish a notebook comparing Observable, Feather and Github icons, as a part of the series: https://observablehq.com/collection/@nikita-sharov/icons

A positive response might

  • simplify reuse of icons on Observable (e.g. documenting / referencing Observable UI elements in notebooks);
  • highlight the visual congruence / similarities between the icons, as symbols with meaning;
  • highlight some visual (e.g. line-caps / line-joins / scaling issues) and symbolic / metaphoric inconsistencies in Observable’s icon usage (e.g. using a git-branch icon to illustrate a git-fork, which should look like, well, a table meat fork, and not like a byroad, branching away from the main road).


Hi Nikita.
Thank you for explaining your rationale for creating the notebook with the Observable icons. We are considering this request and will be in touch in the support thread that you started a while ago.