Weird minimap in next?

The minimap looks weird in Next


Seems like things are slightly unaligned

Oh weird. Iā€™m guessing your browser is zoomed in? Just checked and yeah it gets janky when you zoom inā€¦ I can try to take a look. (Though browser zoom seems to invariably be kind of janky.)

Thanks for reporting & sorry, thatā€™s my fault!


Oh no! I hadnā€™t noticed that the browser was zoomed in! Iā€™m sorry for that. Coming back to the default zoom fixed such a weirdness.

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Hah donā€™t apologize!! Browser zoom is an important accessibility feature; we should certainly aspire to make things still work when youā€™re zoomed in, though zoom implementations vary wildly across browsers (as described e.g. here & here).

Hm, seems to look fine at round-number zoom multiples (200%, 300%, 400%ā€¦) but not in-between. Fixing it might require doing the whole thing in SVG instead of mixing SVG and HTML and trusting their alignment to holdā€¦ might be a while till I can come back to this.


Ok thank you and no worries at all!

PS: here, on Chrome, ā€œmodulo 100 === 0ā€ zooms look fine. Intermediate values look unaligned. On Safari and Firefox the problem seems not happening at any zoom value.

Seems itā€™s the 1px width and height thatā€™s set on each SVG and appears to be ignored by Firefox. If you add the rule

svg {
  width: auto !important;
  height: auto !important;

the zoomed minimap looks fine in Chrome as well.


@mootari! goddamn! my mannn :call_me_hand::call_me_hand::call_me_hand::call_me_hand: nice

will include in my next PR of lil fixes


Remember me?! I think I fixed this. Sorry for delay.


It works like a charm. Thank you!