Hi everyone.
I would like to engage help to visualize social and environmental areas of impact spatially. If you like tinkering on Observable and would like to help figure ways of accounting for the impacts of large-scale development projects, please say hi and let’s talk 
Please note: I can only engage people from ADB’s member countries.
Hope to hear from you! 
Community, thank you for your help. I continue to reach out for support. Crazy 7 day application period! 
The position calls for help to visualize spatial information for one of ADB’s projects in Nepal using Leaflet, Mapbox, and D3.js. Prototyping on Observable. We have the basics done, and are getting 50cm high resolution satellite imagery for at least 2 points in time, ca. 2013 and 2020. We’re looking to analyze changes in landcover, attempt things like extracting parcel area and built-up areas and comparing change, as well as estimating how much land area stand to be inundated based on topographic analysis. Please spread the news 
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