This version adds support for “Observable Markdown” (.omd). This file format is essentially regular Markdown, but with Observable JS inside code sections:
For example:
# Generator Test
_Simple Generator test_
function* range(n) {
for (let i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
yield i;
for (const i of range(Infinity)) {
yield Promises.tick(1000, i + 1);
# Import Test
_Simple Import Test_
import {viewof selection as cars} from "@d3/brushable-scatterplot";
viewof cars;
### Selection:
${JSON.stringify(cars, undefined, 2)}
I’ve tested it this morning, it’s very nice. Do you think it would be hard to import shared notebooks? (Accessing private notebooks would need a login, so that’s another story).
I’m getting this error on VSC Linux when I try to preview via CTRL+K V:
Luckily, opening the preview via the menu works just fine, so there is an easy work-around. Plus it auto-updates on save, so after setting up the preview window once the extension still works great!
(also, maybe an “immediately open preview when opening file” setting could be nice?)
So this is kind of weird… I was already typing Ctrl+k, V, and it gave me that error. So then on a whim I tried turning on caps lock to see what that would do, which then gave me this error:
… and then when I turned the caps lock off and tried Ctrl+k, V again it didn’t rever to the previous error, but kept showing this one (I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a VSC-on-Linux bug, not something in your code. Keyboard shortcuts have always been a bit wonky there)